Frequently Asked Questions

  • When was the Foundation created?

    The Turner Foundation, Inc.(TFI), was founded by media mogul, conservationist and philanthropist R.E. (Ted) Turner in 1990 and awarded its first grant in 1991.

  • How much has the Turner Foundation granted to date?

    TFI has awarded over $400 million grants since inception.

  • What are the Foundation's initiatives?

  • Why doesn't the Foundation accept proposals?

    We are an invitation-only foundation. We don't have the resources to review unsolicited materials.

  • How does the Foundation decide which grants to fund?

    Our board and staff, on an annual basis, identify grantmaking initiatives in conjunction with established programmatic and geographic priorities.

  • Who serves on the Turner Foundation Board of Directors?

    TFI is a family foundation governed by a Board of Directors, comprised of Ted Turner, his five children, and his grandchildren once they reach the age of 25.

  • Who is eligible for funding?

    Please review this map.

  • Does Turner Foundation fund multi-year grants or fund the same organization in consecutive years?

    Organizations can seek funding for up to three years, with a renewal requested each year for approval, but programs are not funded beyond three consecutive years.

  • How much does the Foundation award each year?

    Approximately $2.5 million in 2023 including board discretionary, the Turner Community Youth Development Initiative, and Junior Board (Turner 3rd Generation) grants.